2016年9月27日 星期二
Those who noticed her stumbling
Nevertheless, that surge of humanity did not alter his professional . At Melquíades' room, which was locked up again with the padlock, Santa Sofía de la Piedad tried one last hope. "No one has lived in that room for a century," she said. The officer had it opened and flashed the beam the lantern over it, and Aureli-ano Segun-do and Santa Sofía de la Piedad saw the Arab eyes of José Arcadio Segun-do at the moment when the ray of light passed over his face they understood that it was the end of one anxiety and the beginning of another which would find relief only in resignation. But the officer continued examining the room with the lantern and showed no sign of interest until he discovered the seventy-two chamberpots piled up in the cupboards. Then he turned on the light. José Arcadio Segun-do was sitting on the edge of the cot, ready to go, more solemn and pensive than ever start company in hong kong.
In the background were the shelves with the shredded books, the rolls of parchment, and the clean and orderly worktable with the ink still fresh in the inkwells. There was the same in the air, the same , the same respite from dust and destruction that Aureli-ano Segun-do had known in childhood and that only Colonel Aureli-ano Buendía could not perceive. But the officer was only interested in the s."How many people live in this house?' he asked."Five."The officer obviously did not understand. He paused with his on the space where Aureli-ano Segun-do and Santa Soft de la Piedad were still seeing José Arcadio Segun-do and the latter also realized that the soldier was looking at him without seeing him. Then he turned out the light and closed the door. When he spoke to the soldiers, Aureli-ano, Segun-do understood that the young officer had seen the room with the same eyes as Colonel Aureli-ano Buend Hong Kong Cruise Terminalía.
"It's obvious that no one has been in that room for at least a hundred years." the officer said to the soldiers. "There must even be snakes in there."uacute;RSULA HAD to make a great effort to fulfill her promise to die when it cleared. The waves of lucidity that were so scarce during the rains became more frequent after August, when an and wind began to blow and suffocated the rose bushes and petrified the piles of mud, and ended up scattering over Macon-do the burning dust that covered the rusted zinc roofs and the age-old almond trees forever. úrsula cried in lamentation when she discovered that for more than three years she had been a plaything for the children. She washed her painted face, took off the strips of brightly colored cloth, the dried lizards and frogs, and the rosaries and old Arab necklaces that they had hung all over her body, and for the first time since the death of Amaranta she got up out of bed without anybody's help to join in the family life once more. The spirit of her invincible heart guided her through the shadows Speed Date.
and who bumped into the archangelic arm she kept raised at head level thought that she was having trouble body, but they still did not think she was blind. She did not need to see to realize that the flower beds, cultivated with such care since the first rebuilding, had been destroyed by the rain and ruined by Aureli-ano Segun-do's excavations, and that the walls and the cement of the floors were cracked, the furniture mushy and discolored, the doors off their hinges, and the family menaced by a spirit of resignation and despair that was inconceivable in her time. Feeling her way along through the empty bedrooms she perceived the continuous rumble of the termites as they carved the wood, the snipping of the moths in the clothes closets, and the devastating noise of the enormous red ants that had prospered during the deluge and were undermining the foundations of the house. One day she opened the trunk with the saints and had to ask Santa Sofía de la Piedad to get off her body the cockroaches that jumped out and that had already turned the clothing to dust.
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